Thursday 3 March 2016

Playing Catch Up! More Napoleonics...

Over the Summer, I ended up in something of a Napoleonics kick, following the BBC adaptation of Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell. This saw me achieve the unprecedented completion of a whole two figures (which is really going some for me with Napoleonics...). I was really quite pleased with how they came out, and even ended up getting some opposition for them to face in games of Sharpe Practice (steady now, let's not get carried away...) but these haven't progressed beyond the glueing stage.

So, without further ado, the latest members of Iain's 28mm rendering of HM's 44th Foot-

First up was another private. I was keen to portray an "on campaign" look for these guys, so wanted a nice, faded hue for this soldier's jacket. I think it turned out quite well...

Follow me, lads, for I cannot die! The Sergeant-
For a bit of a change, I decided to do the Sergeant with his 9ft pike next. Bags of swank in this figure, you can just feel the confidence.... "Sign up lads, sign up! You'll get a shilling a day and a spanking red coat. The girls'll love it!"

As you've doubtless realised, this burst of 19th century productivity didn't last long, and thereafter slid into the painting of mediaevals (as yer do...) Howver, it was a fun interlude, and one I hope to revisit some time...


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